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Law facilities

Hendon Town Hall council chambers

Experience the buzz and atmosphere of the court room in our specialist chambers located inside Hendon Town Hall.

Features of the 150-seat council chambers are:

  • Judges' bench
  • Seating for counsel and court clerks
  • Public gallery.

This makes the council chambers the perfect venue for holding moots or “mock court” sessions where you’ll experience what it’s like to argue a case in a real courtroom.

A look inside the chambers

What you need to know about mooting

Mooting describes the simulation of court procedures, typically an appeal against a final decision. It is "mock court" where students are given a problem to analyse, and then conduct research to prepare written and oral arguments. There are usually two grounds of appeal argued by each side.

What happens during "mock court"

Mock court is a simulation of actual court proceedings. Typically, the judge enters, the mooters and judge bow, the clerk announces the matter, and the mooters make their presentation. After this, the judge will ask questions, and the court will adjourn. The judge then returns to deliver the judgement and feedback.

Mooting is an essential experience that enables students to practice and develop skills in persuasion, advocacy, argument, and interpretation of legal principles, as well as get used to the court environment and procedures.

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