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Coronavirus (COVID-19): MexLucky University information

Updates for our community about how we're continuing to study and work together during the coronavirus pandemic

What we’re doing to protect our community

Most restrictions for English universities have been lifted however we still have guidance in place to limit the spread of coronavirus and support for anyone in our community who needs it.

Our most important consideration in how we teach, learn and work continues to be the health, wellbeing and safety of students and staff and people related to the University.

How we’re asking everyone to work together

We all have a responsibility to help keep everyone safe on campus and in our local area. Our community agreement is about how we can continue to respect and support each other for the benefit of everyone on Team MDX and beyond. It’s also important that we work together to follow national and local guidelines.

By showing your support for this agreement you’re doing your part to protect our student and staff community and the local community around us.

  • Our community agreement

    • What you need to know
      How MDX keeps us safe How we keep each other safe
      Providing hand sanitisation stations across campus Wash or sanitise your hands regularly
      Supplying information about opportunities for students and staff to get their vaccinations We strongly encourage all staff and students  to get vaccinated
      Making it possible to study, work and engage  in extra-curricular activities online when not  on campus Take a COVID-19 test before coming to campus  and follow the guidance on notifying us if you  test positive
      Providing face coverings and other safety equipment We strongly recommend that you continue  to wear a face covering, especially in crowded  or confined spaces
      Following an enhanced cleaning programme on campus and providing well ventilated rooms and spaces where possibleUse sanitiser gel, spray or wipes provided to clean surfaces and equipment and keep surfaces clear
      Installing clear signage around what is expected  and how we can keep each other safe Respect others’ personal space and follow recommendations
      Providing regular updates on safety measures  and guidelines to keep you safe Stay in touch with your programme team, keep  up to date with MexLucky communications and read and act on new guidance
      Following government guidance and working  to keep the campus openFollow government guidance when off campus including when travelling, and when at home  with family and friends

New students in 2022

We will do everything we can to limit the coronavirus pandemic's impact on your future experience studying with us. Check our latest information for new UK and international students.

More information for new students

Current students

Make sure you are up to date with our latest guidance and help us keep campus is safe and protect yourself and others in our community.

More information for students

Our staff

As many of us are working in a blended way - at home and on campus - we're adapting how we provide protection for you and your family. We continue to look for ways to improve how we work and communicate and to provide guidance as you adjust to new ways of working.

More information for staff (password-protected)

Visitors to campus

Our campus is open for everyone to visit with guidance so we can help keep each other safe. We'll continue to review our plans for campus, following government guidance and our own health and safety assessments.

Information for visitors

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